Sunday, July 19, 2015

Spice Up Your Dresser Drawers

Looking for an easy way to make the ugly bottoms of your dresser drawers so much cuter? Here is your solution. All you need for this is wrapping paper, Mod Podge, scissors, a paint brush, and ,if you want, a measuring tape.

When I was painting an antique dresser I found for my new apartment, I looked all over the place to try to find cute contact paper to put in the bottom. As it turns out, cute contact paper is nonexistent. After searching for weeks for it in the darkest corners of the internet, a lightbulb finally went off in my head. You can totally Mod Podge wrapping paper to the bottom of the drawer and it will act like contact paper! This might even be cheaper than buying actual contact paper itself. 

So, the first step is to find cute wrapping paper. This is the hardest part because there are SO. MANY. OPTIONS. My personal favorite place to buy wrapping paper is HomeGoods because they always have really thick wrapping paper that is super cute (and cheap). 

After you have found your wrapping paper, you have to measure and cut the wrapping paper to fit in the drawer. This proved to be mildly difficult to me, but I think that is just because I'm not super crafty (and probably because my paper-cutting skills are equivalent to those of a five year old). Once you have it down the right size, all there is to do is Mod Podge it in there! You will need to put the Mod Podge both on the bottom and the top of the wrapping paper. For the top, I did three coats to make sure it would be secure and strong, although I think three might have been a little excessive. 

And there you have it! A much more welcoming dresser drawer than before. 

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