Monday, July 13, 2015

Wire Spool Coffee Table

Moving into your first apartment? Looking to add to your current apartment or home? This simple DIY project is great for beginners!

I started by searching Craigslist in the "free" section in my area for a spool. After a couple of days of checking back I came across this beauty! All I had to do was give the store a call and they held it until I could get off work and pick it up.

I began by sanding all the visible areas. There were a lot of scrapes and cuts but I left some, I thought it added to the character of the spool. 

I purchased sand paper at Lowes ($3.97) but next time I will go with an electric sander--it would have been much less time consuming. I will provide a link for the sander I purchased after this project. It was only $13.99 and after purchasing you will have it for many other DIY projects (it's addicting!)

After sanding and making sure the spool is clean, you can start staining. I picked a dark, rich stain for this project. It was an 8oz interior stain for $4.77. I used an old rag that I found in my apartment (that probably should have been thrown away a long time ago) and wore rubber gloves to avoid getting the stain on my hands. Rub the stain on with the grain of the wood and let dry. 

After the stain had dried you can apply a layer of polyurethane. I found a spray can of poly at lower beside the stain and thought that this option would be easier for me, considering I was doing this project on the balcony of my apartment. The can was $7.77 and I had plenty--I put on three coats.

After the last coat of poly, give the spool time to dry. I would suggest 24-36 hours and then you are ready to add this beautiful DIY project to your living room! 

Total Cost: $20.48
Time: Three days

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